How to create a password-protected 7-Zip file?

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This is easy: creating a password-protected 7-Zip file involves the following:

Installation of 7-Zip: If you haven’t done this yet, you can download and install it from the official website.

Selection of Files/Folders: Right-click on the file or folder that you want to compress and protect.

7-Zip: On the context menu, hover on “7-Zip”.

Add to Archive: Click on “Add to archive…”.

Setting Archive Options:

In the dialog that pops up, you can specify the archive format. For example, you can enter 7z or zip.
Enter Password: In the Encryption section, enter your preferred password in the Enter password and confirm it in the Reenter password.
Encryption Method: Select an encryption method. For instance, you could use AES-256 for a more secure archive.
Create Archive: Click OK to create the password protected archive.

Unlocking the Encrypted File
When you try to open this file, they would be required to input the password that you’ve set.

When you have some questions or if you need any additional help, please do not hesitate to ask.

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